Attention Black River Country Bank Business Customers:
The FinCEN beneficial ownership registration begins 1/1/2024 for certain entities. According to FinCEN, there has been fraud circulating regarding the registration process.
FinCEN has been notified of fraudulent attempts to solicit information from individuals and entities who may be subject to reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act, which includes the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting Rule. The fraudulent correspondence may be titled “Important Compliance Notice” and asks the recipient to click on a URL or to scan a QR code. Those emails or letters are fraudulent. FinCEN does not send unsolicited letters. Do not respond to the fraudulent messages, or click on any links or scan any QR codes within them.
Please refer directly to the website for additional information.
Additional information may be found here:
Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting | This is a link to a 30 second video on the new BOI proposal.